The Secretariat

Secretary - General

Muhammad Shayan Ibrahim

Muhammad Shayan Ibrahim

Muhammad Shayan Ibrahim (preferably Shayan) is an Economist with a love for public speaking and gaining international exposure. Since 2012, Shayan has taken part in a number of MUNs both online and offline, both as a Board of Director member and a delegate. Shayan has participated in notable MUNs such as AYIMUN 2020, AAIMUN 2021 and AWMUN 2021. Shayan’s goal is to spread awareness about global issues as well as promoting and helping delegates improve their public speaking skills. He believes that if enough people start voicing their opinions, true and vital global changes can be made. Confidence is key, and without it those opinions are lost forever. As he likes to say it, “Say something, say ANYTHING. Express YOUR thoughts and feelings. YOUR opinion matters.” He is extremely excited to be the Secretary-General of DYIMUN 2021 and is determined to make it an experience of a lifetime!